A Step-by-Step Guide – techgam (2024)

by Aurelia

If you’re a fan of the game Little Alchemy, you may have already discovered the joy of creating new items by combining existing ones. One popular item that many players enjoy making is Keyboard Cat, the beloved feline musician who has become an internet sensation. If you want to add Keyboard Cat to your Little Alchemy collection, follow these steps to create it from scratch.

What is Little Alchemy?

Little Alchemy is a popular puzzle game that involves creating different elements by combining them. The game features a simple interface, making it easy for players of all ages to play.

A Step-by-Step Guide – techgam (1)

How to Make Keyboard Cat in Little Alchemy

To make keyboard cat in Little Alchemy, you need to combine two items: computer and cat.

  1. Start by opening the Little Alchemy game on your device.
  2. Drag the computer element to the game board.
  3. Next, drag the cat element to the board, on top of the computer element.
  4. Wait for a few seconds and the keyboard cat element will appear on the game board.

Tips for Making Keyboard Cat in Little Alchemy

Here are some tips to help you make keyboard cat in Little Alchemy:

  • Use a computer element that has a screen. This will make it easier to see the cat element when you drag it over.
  • Make sure that the cat element is centered over the computer element. This will increase your chances of creating keyboard cat.
  • If you’re having trouble creating keyboard cat, try combining the elements in a different order.

Start with Cat

To make Keyboard Cat, you first need to create a basic cat. In Little Alchemy, the cat is a fundamental element that can be created by combining two other basic elements: mouse and house. Simply drag the mouse and the house icons onto the game board and they will combine to form a cat.

Combine Cat with Music

Once you have a cat, the next step is to add music. To do this, you’ll need to combine the cat with another basic element: music. Music can be created by combining two other basic elements: air and sound. Once you have music, drag it onto the cat and they will combine to create a musical cat.

Add Keyboard

Now that you have a musical cat, it’s time to give it a keyboard. The keyboard is a more complex element that can’t be created directly from basic elements. Instead, you need to combine multiple elements to create it.

Start by combining the earth and the fire elements to create lava. Then combine the lava with air to create stone, and combine the stone with fire to create metal. Finally, combine the metal with electricity to create the keyboard.

A Step-by-Step Guide – techgam (2)

Combine Keyboard with Musical Cat

With the keyboard in hand, it’s time to combine it with the musical cat to create Keyboard Cat. Simply drag the keyboard onto the musical cat and they will combine to create the famous internet meme.

Enjoy Your Creation

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created Keyboard Cat in Little Alchemy. Now you can enjoy watching your feline musician play its keyboard whenever you want.

Tips for Creating Keyboard Cat

  • If you get stuck, try combining different elements to see what you can create.
  • Remember that some elements can only be created by combining multiple other elements, so don’t be afraid to experiment.
  • Keep an eye out for new elements that become available as you progress through the game.


Can I make Keyboard Cat without creating a musical cat first?

No, the musical cat is a required step in the process of creating Keyboard Cat.

What other popular items can I make in Little Alchemy?

There are countless items you can create in Little Alchemy, including unicorns, dragons, and even entire planets.

Do I need to follow the steps in a specific order?

Yes, the steps need to be followed in the order listed in this article.

Can I make Keyboard Cat in Little Alchemy on my phone or tablet?

Yes, Little Alchemy is available on both iOS and Android devices.

Are there any other famous internet memes I can create in Little Alchemy?

Yes, you can also create Nyan Cat and Grumpy Cat, among others.


Making Keyboard Cat in Little Alchemy is a fun and rewarding process that allows you to create your own version of this iconic internet meme. By following these steps and experimenting with different combinations of elements, you can create all sorts of new items and expand your Little Alchemy collection.

A Step-by-Step Guide – techgam (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.