Comparing the two Narutos, Neptune Naruto’s understanding is incredible — Chapter 128 – Faloo MTL (2024)

In the shady world –

Nazi controlled the yellow sand in the sky with one hand, and held the fat Ding who felt the crisis shrinking in her arms with the other hand.

The cold and merciless gaze stared through the yellow sand, staring at the young man in long pants.

The boy in the trousers met Nazi’s terrible eyes,

involuntarily took a few steps back,

Coupled with the strange freezing of the yellow sand in mid-air,

This makes it even more terrifying,

He won’t be…… Have you met a ghost?

“Na…… Nazi, don’t be too heavy!”

For this kind of person, Ash doesn’t have much affection either,

Everyone competes and competes, so what’s the matter with you shooting directly at the trainer?

So Nazi was angry, and Ash didn’t stop her, but Ash still let Nazi be more measured,

Don’t make others hurt,

“Understood. “

As she spoke, Nazi directly returned the yellow sand to the boy in long pants intact.

When the boy in the pants covered his eyes and shouted loudly,

Nazi used her telekinesis to pick him up, and then began to do aerial exercises for him up and down, left, right, and right!

When the boy in the pants was about to lose his vomiting and coma, Nazi put it down,

Ash also let the blastoise on the side give the other party a touch,

helped him wash the sand off his eyes,

If you don’t rinse it off, you may be blind……

“Right…… I’m sorry!I don’t dare anymore!!”

The boy in the pants recovered his gaze and buffered for five minutes, and then apologized loudly to Ash,

directly took back the king of the mountain, and ran away like crazy,

He seemed to have seen the Hades Hall in an instant just now!

If you continue to stay…… It’s going to die!

Watching the young man in the trousers disappear from view, Nazi withdrew her cold gaze,

Xiao Gang wiped the sweat that appeared inexplicably on his forehead, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hands on Ash in front of the Guardian Maniac,

If it weren’t for Ash’s words, that guy might not have been able to run away so smoothly.

Subsequently, Ash successfully found the Fireball Rat, and successfully subdued it through the battle with the chrysanthemum leaves.


[Ryuto: Angry Nazi is really terrifying!]

[Hiba: It’s indeed a bit of a guardian maniac, whoever dares to hurt Ash, I will take his life.jpg]

[Nazi: Hmm…… I don’t think I’m supposed to be so violent, right?]

Nazi felt that since she returned to normal,

The mentality is still quite good,

I won’t use my superpowers to do such excessive things to other 13 people at every turn.

[Flora: That’s because you don’t like our side of Ash so much now~ If you fall in love like Nazi in the video, maybe you will do the same thing~]

[Nazi: Really? I’ll try it then.] 】

[Xiaoxia: Don’t try this kind of thing!!]

Xiaoxia’s head is about to pop up with a pound sign,

Frula, this wise woman!

Do you know what it means to say too much and make a lot of mistakes!

Now Nazi hasn’t really liked Ash yet,

If the other party really cares about Ash…… What if there is another love rival?

Big idiot!!


In the shady world –

After teleporting back the wonderful frog flower in his hand,

Ash smoothly left the Fireball Mouse in his hand.

“This fireball rat doesn’t look like it’s going to be able to ignite its fighting spirit!”

“When he fought against Chrysanthemum Leaves, his flame was only ignited in the second half of the game, and he still needed a lot of training. “

When the fireball rat ignites its fighting spirit, it will spew blazing flames on its back.

In normal times, the fireball rat is like a harmless little pet,

Like Pikachu, it belongs to selling cute~

It’s just that as long as the ordinary fireball rat has the desire to fight, it will directly ignite a blazing flame.

However, this fireball rat of his…… I don’t know if it’s because the temperament is too gentle or because I can’t fight the spiritual battle,

was suppressed to a dead end in the battle with chrysanthemum leaves just now,

before the flame was burned.

Although the fireball rat after the burning flame is quite powerful,

But…… That’s a long standby time!

Wait for the machine to end, and the other party may have exhausted your stamina!

It’s like the battle just now!

In the face of the fireball rat that is close to exhaustion, even if it is an inverse attribute,

Chrysanthemum leaves didn’t spend much effort to solve the other party!

So in the next training, Ash has to find a way to make the fireball rat show his fighting spirit at the beginning!

In addition, he also decided,

Send the elves who have become very powerful back to the Oki Research Institute, and let them start exercising on their own.

For example, the Frog Flower, the Blastoise, the Eagle Eagle, and even the Hack Dragon.

They’ve all grown up completely,

And has its own set of exercise system,

All you need to do is tell Dr. Oki the nutritional formula of each elf, and let Dr. Oki take care of their nutritional balance.

As for the elves who stayed around…… That’s some fresh faces, of course!

For example, the newly subdued Heracross, as well as the chrysanthemum leaves and the fireball rat.

Coupled with Pikachu and Kirbymon and Firestorm Monkey, this is Ash’s new team.

The reason why Kirbymon stayed has already been said, and basically no one can wake up Kirbymon up and train except for Ash.

But when training becomes a habit,

Even if you don’t need to be woken up, Kirbymon will automatically get up and train,

When the time comes, Ash will be able to send him back to the Oki Research Institute.

And the words of the Firestorm Monkey…… In fact, it is more suitable for him to study the Freedom and Extreme Intention Gong in the Damu Research Institute!

However, after Charizard achieved a higher level of evolution,

Ash has a deeper understanding of the genes hidden in the elves’ bodies,

For example, he found that the Frog Flower, the Blastoise and even the Eagle all have a higher level of evolution similar to Charizard!

Moreover…… Including Firestorm Monkeys!

However, the evolution of the Firestorm Monkey to the next level is not the same as that of Charizard.

That’s not an evolution that requires external forces to happen.

It’s a normal evolution like a fire dinosaur evolving into a fire-breathing dragon!

Truth be told, it’s simply impossible!

If it is said that the special evolution is completed with the help of that kind of stone, the fire storm monkey still has that possibility,

But…… A higher evolution of normality…… How could such a thing be?

You know, the conclusion that the Fire Storm Monkey is the most advanced evolution has been established for hundreds of years or even longer!

Therefore, it is theoretically impossible for the fire storm monkey to evolve to a higher level under the normal state!

Here’s the problem…… Ash just found out!

The possibility of upward evolution!

The bigger problem is …… Ash doesn’t know how the Firestorm Monkey should evolve upwards!

Grade, foreign objects, or what special conditions are required,

Ash didn’t know anything.

So he could only keep the Firestorm Monkey by his side and use the power of the waveguide to observe his situation every day during training.

The only information that works now is ……

As the progress of the Fire Storm Monkey’s Freedom and Extreme Intention Skill deepens,

The higher genes hidden in his body are also slowly being revealed……

Perhaps, as long as you complete the Freedom Extreme Omen, you will be able to complete the evolution of the Fire Storm Monkey!

That’s what Ash believes.


[Hiba: What?!Firestorm Monkey can still evolve!?]

Xiba, who watched Hei Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia and the others analyze the specific situation of the elves in their hands, couldn’t help but exclaim.

Listen to what Ash says,

The evolution of the Fire Storm Monkey is not MEGA!

It’s the evolution of normalcy!

But…… Shouldn’t the Firestorm Monkeys have reached the apex of their race?

[Dr. Oki: Firestorm Monkey…… This race is sparse and ordinary in the Guandu region, and with such a large number of elves, if there are theoretically three stages of evolution, they should have been discovered a long time ago. 】

The number is scarce, there is a lack of research, and it is normal to have undiscovered morphology,

But the monkey monster is a spirit,

In the Guandu area, there is no difference from the rotten streets,

If it had three stages of evolution, it would be impossible for researchers not to discover it!

As the Firestorm Monkey gradually mastered the Freedom Extreme Mind Skill, his evolutionary possibilities were slowly revealed…… Maybe it’s because the evolution of the Firestorm Monkey is very demanding. 】

[Dr. Burratano: Anyway, at least Ash Black has given us a direction, just like MEGA, there are still a lot of things in this world that we haven’t discovered!]

[Dr. Oki: Yes, let’s see if the last Pyrrhage Monkey can evolve, if it can evolve…… It’s like giving us an open-book exam!]

Just like MEGA,

If it weren’t for the MEGA exposure in the live broadcast room, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

I’m afraid they still don’t know that the elves who eventually evolved still have a chance to go to the next level!

The same is true for the evolution of the Firestorm Monkey to the next level.

And the initiator of all this is all because of the power of Hei Xiaozhi’s waveguide!

All discoveries are closely related to the power of Ash’s waveguides!

This thing…… It’s really omnipotent!


In the shady world –

After successfully subduing the fireball rats, everyone came to Hinoki Town,

However, the town of Hinoki has suffered a drought that has not been seen for a long time.

The smell of drought enveloped the land, the grass and trees withered and yellowed, the rivers dried up, and the fields cracked countless cracks.

Ash and the others met a man in a dumb beast costume,

It sounds a little old-fashioned.

He told Ash and the others about the customs of Hinoki Town…… That is to worship the Dumb Beast as a god!

Legend has it that a long time ago, the town of Hinoki also suffered such a drought.

A dumb beast passed by,


It’s pouring rain!

Then the town of Hinoki was saved,

From now on, the people of Hinoki Town will worship the Dumb Beasts as gods!

It sounds like a vulgar story,

But no matter how vulgar it is, the atmosphere of this town is like this,


The man in the dumb beast costume warns Ash and the others not to provoke the dumb beast here,

Otherwise, you will be besieged by the whole town!

In this regard, Ash and the others looked around and found that there were indeed a lot of dumb beasts.

However, there was no case of the Nerd Beast bringing rain.

“Pin your hopes on the elves……”

Ash muttered and led the three of them to the Elven Center, temporarily swapping Kirby and Blastoise.

Then came to the center of town.

“Although I am not opposed to such an idea, and I don’t even think there is anything wrong with entrusting things to the elves. “

“But that doesn’t mean that people can do nothing, work hard, and expect them all!”

“Mom said that there is no such thing as a free lunch, if you don’t do anything and want everything…… That only exists in daydreams!”

“It’s up to you, Blastoise!”


Blastoise with two thick cannon barrels appeared in the center of town,

Ash’s behavior attracted everyone around him,

Release blastoise in the center of town…… What is this trying to do?

“Blastoise, use Pray for Rain!!”


In an instant, Ash and Blastoise entered a waveguide fusion state,

This is the state they are most familiar with,

It was also with this state that the blastoise began to control the substance of water.

and not passive use.

And, in this state, the rain prayer is used for a longer period of time!

With the force of the two,

In the blink of an eye, the sky was cloudy, and the rain began to fall.

The people around were stunned for a moment at first,

Then they all rejoiced!

“It’s rain!!”

“It’s raining! Is this the god of the dumb beasts apparition?”

“No, it shouldn’t be, that should be done by the boy over there!”

Reminded by not knowing who it was, everyone set their eyes on Ash and his Blastoise,

Embarrassed, Turtle took out his sharp sunglasses and put them on his face.

In this way, his shyness can be reduced a little~

The residents of Hinoki Town, who found Ash and others, swarmed up,

To Ash, they thanked them gratefully.

In this regard, Ash could only helplessly ask Nazi to move the people in Hinoki Town a little,

And told them what they thought.

There’s nothing wrong with relying on elves, but you can’t rely on elves!

The so-called dependence, mutual!

At the same time as the 953 letter to them, as a resident of this place, they must also do something!

Instead of just praying for the Dumb Beast to perform miracles.

In this regard, the residents of Hinoki Town, who regarded the little ash water turtle as a god to save them, naturally nodded yes again and again!


[Yulongdu: Good pretend……]

[Yulongdu: No, no, no, wrong, it should be said that Hei Xiaozhi is really powerful!

[Daigo: The previous sentence is what you are talking about…… There’s no need to hide it, I also think that Hei Xiaozhi’s appearance of X is too dazzling!]

[Lokia: Well, a little bit of my essence. 】

[Feng Wang: He is the brave man I have chosen, shouldn’t he have learned my elegant posture?]

[Lokia: Hey, I also gave him a feather!]

[Ash: That…… Neither of them gave me yes~]

After Ash said this, King Feng and Lokia dived directly.

At this time, it’s better to play dead.

In this regard, Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang beside Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but snicker.

How so…… Strength determines the degree of trust of others,

Although Ash who came to the Silver Conference has matured a lot,

But there is still a gap with Black Ash!

[Steel: I think Hei Xiaozhi is right! This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for everyone in Hinoki Town. 】

[Steel: Man and spirit are dependent on each other, not man unilaterally dependent on elves! It cannot be said that after the elf fails, man will do nothing, only pray on the side, this practice is no different from listening to the destiny of heaven……]

[Dr. Oki: Hehe, I believe that everyone in Hinoki Town in our world should have begun to reflect on this matter, then again, it’s been a long time since Team Rocket has been sent flying!

Charizard Valley, the Fireball Rats incident, there is no footage of Team Rocket,

I didn’t see Team Rocket say how nasty it was on a daily basis.

Dr. Ohki was still a little unaccustomed to it for a while……

[Kojiro: Are you polite?!]

[Musashi: Is it polite to you!]


In the shady world –

Where did Team Rocket go?

They’ve actually been with Ash before,

But whether it is the strong outburst of Charizard at the time of the Charizard incident,

Or the terrifying atmosphere of Nazi on the fireball rat incident,

all made the Rocket team dare not approach for a while,

They have a hunch that jumping out at that time is not something that can be solved by a nice nasty feeling.

That’s really going to die!!

Here in Hinoki they followed,

And capture all the stupid beasts underground, ready to take them out and sell them!

As soon as the results came out, it was discovered…… The drought in Hinoki Town has been lifted!

Pouring rain on their robots!

Then, what appeared to them was…… Ash!!

“Yo Team Rocket, long time no see, goodbye. “


Then, the tail that shimmered silver slashed at their robot!

All the captured nerd beasts were released, and Team Rocket also ascended to the sky and disappeared!。

Comparing the two Narutos, Neptune Naruto’s understanding is incredible — Chapter 128 – Faloo MTL (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.