Little Alchemy Cheats - List of All Combinations - Little Alchemy Guide - IGN (2024)

Stuck and need some Little Alchemy hints? IGN's Little Alchemy Cheats guide has you sorted with a massive list of more than 500 Little Alchemy ingredient/element combinations.

Little Alchemy has been updated since its release, and the total available as of April of 2018 is 580. Subsequent updates may yet change what updates are available and what combinations work, among other things, but the below list details all 580 elements featured in the game’s major August, 2017 update.

Resulting Element Ingredient Combination(s)
Acid Rain rain, smoke / rain, smog
Air Available from start.
Airplane bird, steel / bird, metal
Alarm Clock clock, sound
Alcohol fruit, time / juice, time
Algae water, plant / sea, plant / ocean, plant
Alien life, space
Allergy human, dust
Alligator lizard, swamp / lizard, river
Alpaca mountain, sheep
Ambulance car, hospital / car, doctor
Angel human, bird
Angler human, fishing rod
Ant grass, wild animal / wild animal, sugar
Antarctica snow, desert / ice, desert
Aquarium water, glass / glass, fish
Archipelago isle, isle
Armadillo wild animal, armor
Armor tool, metal / tool, steel
Ash volcano, energy
Astronaut human, moon / rocket, human / human, space station / human, space
Astronaut Ice Cream ice cream, astronaut
Atmosphere air, pressure / sky, pressure
Atomic Bomb energy, explosion
Aurora sun, Antarctica / sky, Antarctica / Antarctica, atmosphere
Avalanche energy, snow
Axe blade, wood
Bacon pig, fire
Bacteria swamp, life
Baker human, flour / human, bread / human, dough
Bakery house, baker / house, bread
Banana fruit, monkey
banana bread bread, banana
Bandage blood, fabric
Bank house, money / house, gold / house, safe
Barn cow, house / livestock, house / house, hay
Bat mouse, bird / mouse, sky
Batman bat, human
Batter flour, milk
Bayonet gun, blade / gun, sword
BBQ campfire, meat / campfire, garden
Beach sea, sand / ocean, sand
Beaver wild animal, wood / wild animal, dam
Bee flower, wild animal
Beehive bee, house / bee, tree
Beer alcohol, wheat
Bicycle wheel, wheel
Bird air, life / life, sky / egg, air / egg, sky
Birdhouse bird, house
Black Hole star, pressure
Blade metal, stone
Blender glass, blade / blade, electricity
Blizzard snow, snow / snow, storm / snow, wind
Blood human, blade
Blueprint engineer, paper
Boat water, wood
Boiler steam, metal
Bone corpse, time
Bonsai Tree tree, pottery / tree, scissors
Book paper, wood / paper, story
Bread dough, fire
Brick clay, fire / mud, fire / mud, sun / clay, sun
Bridge river, wood / river, metal / river, steel
Broom wood, hay
Bullet gunpowder, metal
Bulletproof Vest bullet, armor
Bus car, car
Butcher human, meat
Butter energy, milk / milk, pressure
Butterfly flower, wild animal
Cactus desert, plant / sand, plant
Cake dough, candle
Camel desert, wild animal / desert, horse / livestock, desert
Campfire fire, wood
Candle wax, thread / wax, fire
Candy Cane sugar, Christmas tree
Cannon gunpowder, pirate ship / gunpowder, castle
Cape hero, fabric
Car wheel, metal
Caramel sugar, fire
Carbon Dioxide human, oxygen / plant, night / tree, night
Carrot snowman, vegetable / sun, snowman
Cart wheel, wood
Cashmere tool, mountain goat / thread, mountain goat / fabric, mountain goat / scissors, mountain goat / wool, mountain goat
Castle house, knight
Cat wild animal, milk
Catnip cat, plant
Cauldron metal, witch / steel, witch / fireplace, witch / campfire, witch
Caviar hard roe, human
Centaur horse, human
Cereal wheat, milk
Chain metal, rope / steel, rope
Chainsaw axe, electricity
Chameleon lizard, rainbow
Charcoal fire, wood
Cheese time, milk
Cheeseburger cheese, hamburger
Chicken egg, livestock / livestock, bird / bird, farmer
Chicken Soup water, chicken
Chicken wing chicken, bone
Chimney house, fireplace / smoke, brick / fireplace, brick
Christmas Stocking wool, fireplace
Christmas Tree light bulb, tree / tree, star
Cigarette tobacco, paper
City village, village / skyscraper, skyscraper
Clay sand, mud
Clock time, tool / time, wheel / time, electricity
Cloud air, steam
Coal pressure, plant / sun, snowman
Coconut palm, fruit
Coconut Milk coconut, tool / milk, coconut
Coffin wood, corpse
Cold human, rain
Computer electricity, nerd / wire, nerd / tool, nerd
Computer Mouse mouse, computer
Confetti paper, blade / paper, scissors
Cookbook book, recipe / recipe, recipe
Constellation star, star
Cookie dough, sugar
Corpse human, gun / human, grim reaper
Cotton plant, cloud
Cow grass, livestock
Crayon rainbow, pencil / rainbow, wax
Crow bird, scarecrow / bird, field
Crown gold, monarch / metal, monarch
Crystal Ball witch, glass / wizard, glass
Cuckoo clock, bird
Cyborg human, robot
Cyclist bicycle, human
Dam beaver, river / beaver, tree / beaver, wood / wall, river
Darth Vader jedi, fire / jedi, lava
Day sun, time / night, sun / time, night / sky, sun
Desert sand, sand / sand, cactus
Dew water, grass / fog, grass
Diamond pressure, coal
Dinosaur lizard, time
Doctor human, hospital
Dog wild animal, human
Doge dog, computer
Doghouse dog, house
Don Quixote windmill, knight
Donut dough, oil
Double Rainbow! rainbow, rainbow
Dough flour, water
Dragon lizard, fire
Drone airplane, robot
Drum wood, leather
Drunk human, alcohol / beer, human / human, wine
Dry Ice carbon dioxide, cold / ice, carbon dioxide
Duck bird, lake / water, bird / bird, pond / time, duckling
Duckling egg, duck
Dune sand, wind / desert, wind / beach, wind
Dust earth, air / sun, vampire / day, vampire
Dynamite gunpowder, wire
Eagle mountain, bird
Earth Available from start.
Earthquake earth, energy / earth, wave
Eclipse sun, moon
Egg life, stone / bird, bird / turtle, turtle / lizard, lizard
Egg Timer egg, clock / egg, watch
Electric Car car, electricity
Electric Eel fish, electricity
Electrician human, electricity / human, wire
Electricity metal, energy / solar cell, sun / wind turbine, wind / light, solar cell
Email letter, computer / letter, internet
Energy air, fire / plant, sun
Engineer human, tool
Eruption volcano, energy
Excalibur sword, stone
Explosion gunpowder, fire
Fabric thread, tool
Fairy Tale story, monarch / story, castle / knight, story / dragon, story
Family human, house
Family tree tree, family
Farm farmer, house / farmer, barn
Farmer human, plant / field, human / human, pitchfork
Faun goat, human
Fence wall, wood
Field earth, farmer / earth, tool
Fire Available from start.
Fire Extinguisher fire, carbon dioxide / pressure, carbon dioxide / metal, carbon dioxide
Fireman human, fire / human, firetruck
Fireplace house, campfire / campfire, brick / campfire, wall
Firetruck fireman, car
Fireworks explosion, sky
Fish hard roe, time
Fish and Chips fish, French fries
Fishing Rod tool, fish / wood, fish
Flamethrower fire, gun
Flashlight tool, light
Flood rain, rain / rain, time
Flour wheat, stone / windmill, wheat
Flower plant, garden
Flute wood, wind
Flying Fish fish, bird / sky, fish
Flying Squirrel squirrel, bird / squirrel, wind / squirrel, airplane / sky, squirrel
Fog earth, cloud
Forest tree, tree
Fortune Cookie paper, cookie
Fossil dinosaur, time / dinosaur, earth / stone, dinosaur
Fountain statue, water
Fox chicken, wild animal
Frankenstein zombie, electricity / electricity, corpse
French fries oil, vegetable
Fridge metal, cold / electricity, cold / metal, ice
Frog wild animal, pond
Fruit tree, farmer / sun, tree
Fruit Tree fruit, tree
Galaxy star, star
Garden plant, plant / flower, flower / plant, grass / house, grass
Gardener human, garden
Geyser steam, earth
Ghost graveyard, night / castle, night
Gift Santa, Christmas tree / Santa, Christmas stocking / Santa, cookie / Santa, chimney / Santa, fireplace
Gingerbread house house, dough / house, gingerbread man
Gingerbread man life, dough
Glacier ice, mountain
Glass fire, sand / sand, electricity
Glasses glass, metal / glass, glass
Gnome garden, statue
Goat livestock, mountain
Godzilla dinosaur, city
Gold metal, sun / metal, rainbow
Golem clay, life
Granite lava, pressure
Grass plant, earth
Grave coffin, earth / corpse, earth
Gravestone grave, stone
Graveyard grave, grave / gravestone, gravestone
Greenhouse plant, glass / window, window
Grenade explosion, metal
Grilled cheese cheese, toast
Grim Reaper human, scythe / corpse, scythe
Gun metal, bullet
Gunpowder fire, dust
Hail rain, ice / ice, storm / ice, cloud
Ham meat, smoke
Hamburger meat, bread
Hammer metal, wood
Hamster wheel, mouse
Hard Roe egg, water / egg, sea / egg, ocean / egg, pond / fish, fish
Harp angel, music
Hay farmer, grass / grass, scythe / grass, sun
Hay bale hay, hay
Hedge plant, fence / leaf, fence
Helicopter blade, airplane / windmill, airplane
Herb plant, sickness / sickness, leaf
Hero knight, dragon
Hippo horse, river / horse, water
Honey bee, flower / bee, beehive
Horizon sky, earth / sea, sky / ocean, sky
Horse hay, livestock
Horseshoe metal, horse
Hospital house, sickness / house, ambulance / house, doctor
Hourglass sand, glass
House wall, wall
Human earth, life
Hummingbird bird, flower
Hurricane wind, energy
Husky snow, dog / ice, dog
Ice water, cold
Iceberg sea, ice / ocean, ice / sea, Antarctica / ocean, Antarctica
Ice Cream milk, ice
Ice cream truck car, ice cream
Iced tea ice, tea / cold, tea
Idea human, light bulb / light bulb, nerd
Igloo house, ice / house, snow
Internet computer, computer / computer, wire / computer, web
Isle ocean, volcano / volcano, sea
Ivy plant, wall
Jack-O'-Lantern pumpkin, fire / blade, pumpkin / pumpkin, candle
Jam juice, sugar
Jedi lightsaber, human / knight, lightsaber
Jerky meat, sun / meat, salt
Juice water, fruit / pressure, fruit
Keyboard Cat cat, music
Kite wind, paper / sky, paper
Knight human, armor
Lake water, pond / river, dam
Lamp metal, light bulb
Lasso cow, rope / horse, rope
Lava earth, fire
Lava Lamp lava, lamp
Lawn Mower grass, tool / electricity, scythe
Leaf tree, wind
Leather cow, blade / pig, blade
Lemonade fruit, water
Letter paper, pencil
Library house, book
Life swamp, energy / love, time
Light light bulb, electricity / electricity, flashlight
Light Bulb electricity, glass
Lighthouse light, house / light, beach / light, ocean / light, sea
Lightsaber light, sword / energy, sword / electricity, sword
Lion wild animal, cat
Livestock farmer, life / wild animal, human / farmer, wild animal
Lizard egg, swamp
Log cabin wood, house
Love human, human
Lumberjack axe, human / human, chainsaw
Mac and Cheese cheese, pasta
Mailman human, letter
Manatee cow, sea
Map paper, earth
Mars rust, planet
Marshmallows sugar, campfire
Mayonnaise egg, oil
Meat cow, tool / livestock, butcher / cow, butcher / pig, butcher / pig, tool / blade, livestock
Medusa human, snake
Mermaid human, fish
Metal fire, stone
Meteor meteoroid, atmosphere / sky, meteoroid
Meteoroid stone, space
Microscope glass, bacteria / bacteria, glasses
Milk farmer, cow / cow, human
Milk Shake milk, ice cream
Minotaur human, cow
Mirror glass, metal
Mold time, bread
Monarch human, castle / Excalibur, human / crown, human
Money paper, gold
Monkey tree, wild animal
Moon sky, cheese / sky, stone
Moss plant, stone / algae, stone
Moth moon, butterfly / night, butterfly
Motorcycle bicycle, energy / bicycle, steel
Mountain earthquake, earth
Mountain Goat mountain, goat / goat, mountain range
Mountain Range mountain, mountain
Mouse cheese, wild animal
Mousetrap wood, cheese / metal, cheese
Mud water, earth
Mummy corpse, pyramid
Music human, flute / human, sound
Narwhal unicorn, ocean / unicorn, water / sea, unicorn
Needle metal, thread / metal, hay
Nerd human, glasses
Nessie story, lake
Nest bird, tree / bird, hay / egg, hay
Newspaper paper, paper
Night moon, time / time, day / sky, moon
Ninja shuriken, human
Ninja Turtle turtle, ninja
Nut tree, squirrel / fruit, squirrel
Oasis desert, water
Obsidian lava, water
Ocean sea, sea / water, sea
Oil sunflower, pressure
Oil Lamp clay, oil / potter, oil / oil, rope / glass, oil / fire, oil
Omelette egg, fire
Optical Fiber wire, light
Orchard fruit tree, fruit tree / field, fruit tree
Origami bird, paper
Ostrich bird, earth / bird, sand
Owl night, bird / bird, wizard
Oxygen plant, sun / plant, carbon dioxide
Ozone oxygen, oxygen / oxygen, electricity
Paint water, rainbow / water, pencil
Palm isle, tree / tree, beach
Paper wood, pressure
Paper Airplane airplane, paper
Parachute pilot, fabric / pilot, umbrella
Parrot bird, pirate
Pasta flour, egg
Peaco*ck bird, rainbow
Pegasus bird, horse / sky, horse / bird, unicorn
Pencil wood, coal / wood, charcoal
Pencil Sharpener blade, pencil
Penguin ice, wild animal / ice, bird / bird, snow
Penicillin doctor, mold
Perfume water, rose / water, flower / steam, rose / steam, flower / alcohol, rose / alcohol, flower
Petroleum fossil, time / fossil, pressure
Phoenix fire, bird
Picnic grass, sandwich / beach, sandwich
Pie dough, fruit
Pig livestock, mud
Pigeon bird, city / bird, letter / bird, statue
Piggy Bank pig, money / pottery, pig
Pillow cotton, fabric
Pilot airplane, human / seaplane, human
Pinocchio wood, life
Pipe tobacco, wood
Piranha fish, blood
Pirate sword, sailor / sailor, pirate ship
Pirate Ship sailboat, pirate / boat, pirate
Pitchfork tool, hay
Pizza cheese, dough
Planet earth, space
Plankton water, life / sea, life
Plant rain, earth
Platypus beaver, duck
Pond water, garden
Popsicle juice, ice
Pottery fire, clay / clay, wheel / clay, tool
Pressure earth, earth / air, air
Printer paper, computer
Prism glass, rainbow
Pterodactyl air, dinosaur / bird, dinosaur
Puddle snowman, flamethrower / sun, ice / sun, snowman
Pumpkin vegetable, fire / vegetable, light
Pyramid desert, stone / desert, grave
Quicksand sand, swamp
Rabbit wild animal, carrot
Rain water, air
Rainbow rain, sun / rain, light
Rat wild animal, pirate ship / sailboat, wild animal
Recipe flour, paper / paper, baker
Reindeer Santa, wild animal / livestock, Santa
Ring diamond, metal / diamond, gold
River mountain, water / rain, mountain
Robot metal, life / steel, life / life, armor
Rocket airplane, space
Roller Coaster train, mountain / mountain, cart
Roomba robot, vacuum cleaner
Rope thread, thread
Rose plant, love / flower, love
Ruins time, castle / time, house
Ruler wood, pencil
Rust air, metal / metal, oxygen / steel, oxygen / air, steel
RV car, house
Saddle horse, leather
Safe metal, money / metal, gold / steel, money / steel, gold
Safety Glasses explosion, glasses / tool, glasses / engineer, glasses
Sailboat boat, wind / boat, fabric
Sailor human, boat / human, sailboat
Salt sea, sun / ocean, sun / fire, sea / fire, ocean
Sand air, stone
Sand Castle sand, castle
Sandpaper sand, paper
Sandstone stone, sand
Sandstorm sand, energy / sand, storm / sand, hurricane
Sandwich bread, ham / cheese, bread / bread, bacon
Santa human, Christmas tree
Saturn ring, planet
Scalpel blade, doctor / blade, hospital
Scarecrow human, hay
Scissors blade, blade
Scorpion wild animal, sand / wild animal, dune
Scythe blade, grass / blade, wheat
Sea water, water
Seagull bird, sea / bird, ocean / bird, beach
Seahorse horse, sea / ocean, horse / fish, horse
Seal dog, sea
Seaplane airplane, water / airplane, ocean / airplane, sea
Seasickness sickness, sea / sickness, ocean / boat, sickness / steamboat, sickness / sailboat, sickness
Seaweed plant, sea / plant, ocean
Sewing Machine electricity, needle / robot, needle
Shark ocean, wild animal / sea, wild animal / sea, blood / blood, ocean
Sheep cloud, livestock
Sheet Music paper, music
Shuriken star, blade
Sickness human, bacteria / human, sickness / human, rain
Skateboard snowboard, wheel
Skeleton corpse, time / bone, bone
Ski Goggles glasses, snow
Sky air, cloud
Skyscraper house, sky
Sledge snow, cart / snow, wagon
Sloth wild animal / time
Smog smoke, fog / fog, city
Smoke fire, wood
Smoke Signal campfire, fabric / smoke, fabric
Smoothie fruit, blender
Snake wild animal, wire
Snow steam, cold
Snowball snow, human
Snowboard wood, snow / snow, surfer
Snow globe glass, snow / snow, crystal ball
Snowman snow, human / snowball, snowball / snow, carrot / snowball, carrot
Snowmobile snow, motorcycle / snow, car
Soap oil, ash
Soap Bubble air, soap / water, soap
Soda water, carbon dioxide / juice, carbon dioxide
Solar Cell sun, tool
Solar System sun, planet
Sound air, wave
Space sky, star / sun, star / moon, star
Spaceship airplane, astronaut
Space Station space, house
Spaghetti thread, pasta
Sphinx human, lion
Spider wild animal, thread
Sprinkles sugar, confetti
Squirrel mouse, tree
Star sky, night / night, telescope
Starfish fish, star / sea, star / ocean, star
Statue stone, tool / human, medusa
Steak fire, cow / meat, BBQ
Steam water, fire / water, energy
Steamboat steam engine, water / steam engine, boat
Steam Engine boiler, tool / boiler, wheel
Steel metal, coal
Steel Wool steel, wool / wire, wool
Stethoscope tool, doctor
Stone air, lava
Storm energy, cloud / cloud, electricity
Story human, campfire
Sugar fruit, energy / juice, fire / juice, energy
Sun fire, sky
Sundial clock, sun
Sunflower plant, sun / flower, sun
Sunglasses sun, glasses / beach, glasses
Super nova explosion, star
Surfer human, wave
Sushi fish, seaweed / caviar, seaweed
Swamp mud, plant / mud, grass
Sweater wool, tool / human, wool
Swim Goggles glasses, water
Swimmer human, swim goggles
Sword blade, metal / blade, steel
Swordfish fish, sword
Tank car, armor / car, gun
Taser gun, electricity
Tea water, leaf
Telescope glass, sky / glass, star / glass, space
Tent wood, fabric / house, fabric
The One Ring volcano, ring
Thread cotton, tool / wheel, wool
Tide sea, moon / ocean, moon
Time sand, glass
Titanic steamboat, iceberg
Toast sandwich, fire / bread, fire
Tobacco plant, fire
Tool metal, human
Toucan bird, rainbow
Tractor farmer, car / field, car
Train steam engine, steel / steam engine, metal / steam engine, wheel / steam engine, wagon
Treasure pirate, treasure map
Treasure map pirate, map
Tree plant, time
Treehouse tree, house
Trojan Horse horse, wood
Tsunami ocean, earthquake / sea, earthquake
Tunnel engineer, mountain
Turtle egg, sand
Twilight day, night
Tyrannosaurus Rex meat, dinosaur
UFO rocket, alien / airplane, alien
Umbrella tool, rain / rain, fabric
Unicorn rainbow, horse / rainbow, life / double rainbow!, horse / double rainbow!, life
Vacuum Cleaner electricity, broom
Vampire human, blood / human, vampire
Vase plant, pottery / pottery, flower
Vegetable field, fruit
Village house, house
Vinegar time, wine / air, wine / wine, oxygen
Volcano lava, earth / lava, mountain / fire, mountain
Vulture bird, corpse
Wagon cart, horse
Wall brick, brick
Wallet leather, money
Wand wizard, wood
Warrior sword, human
Watch human, clock
Water Available from start.
Water Gun water, gun
Water Lilly flower, pond
Water Pipe water, pipe
Waterfall mountain, river
Waterwheel water, wheel / wheel, river
Wave ocean, wind / sea, wind
Wax bee, beehive
Web spider, thread
Werewolf wolf, human / werewolf, human
Wheat field, farmer / plant, farmer
Wheel tool, wood
Wild Animal forest, life
Wild Boar pig, wild animal / pig, forest
Wind pressure, air / air, energy
Windmill house, wind / wheel, wind
Wind Turbine windmill, electricity
Window glass, house
Wine fruit, alcohol
Wire electricity, metal
Witch human, broom / wizard, broom
Wizard human, energy
Wolf dog, forest / wild animal, moon / wild animal, dog
Wood tool, tree
Woodpecker bird, wood
Wool sheep, tool / scissors, sheep
Wrapping Paper gift, paper
X-ray light, bone / light, skeleton
Yak cow, mountain
Yoda jedi, swamp
Yogurt milk, bacteria
Zombie corpse, life

The following elements no longer appear to be supported, but at one time could be created using the game’s app version that was offered through Pokki ( They do not count toward the current total featured in other versions of the game.

Resulting Element Ingredient Combination(s)
Atomic Fireballs atomic bomb, fire
Cadbury Eggs chocolate, egg
Caramel Apple orchard, caramel
Caramelo chocolate, caramel
Chocolate Milk chocolate, milk
Chocolate Willy Wonka, river
Cookie Dough cookie, dough
Cotton Candy sugar, electricity
Frozen Yogurt cold, yogurt
Fun Dip sugar, sand
Goldfish fish, cheese
Guiness Float beer, ice cream
Juicy Fruit juice, fruit
Milky Way milk, space
Mounds chocolate, coconut
Nerds sugar, nerd
Peeps sugar, chicken
Pokki computer, squirrel
Pop Rocks stone, explosion
Red Vines sugar, wire
Ring Pop diamond, sugar
Skittles rainbow, sugar
Starburst rocket, fruit
Swedish Fish fish, sugar
Sweethearts love, sugar
Twix Caramelo, cookie
Willy Wonka engineer, sugar

Little Alchemy Tip: It's All About Science

Think about prevailing scientific theories as to how Earth formed, and that will get you started. Most of the planet is comprised of lava that cooled to form rock, and various rocks are often the result of pressure and heat. Water is also a critical factor, since over time it can break down a variety of materials. If you can get some core ingredients created, you can combine them intuitively to produce all sorts of neat combinations in Little Alchemy.

Little Alchemy Tip: Some Useful Aids

Click on an object you have created through the process of combining two items, and hold your mouse button for a moment. You'll produce a tool tip that lets you know what two items you combined to create that particular combination. If an item on your list is underlined, that means you can't combine it with anything else to create a new item.

Little Alchemy Tip: Tend to the Broad Strokes First

One of the first combinations you should make is air with air (or earth and earth), to form pressure. Air plus fire creates energy, which is extremely useful and even lets you produce electricity (when you combine it with metal). Air plus pressure creates atmosphere, and there are various weather patterns you can create from there.

Water and earth mix to produce mud, which you can combine with fire to produce brick. If you instead combine mud with sand, it produces clay, which you can then combine with fire to produce pottery. The game is full of similar combinations that produce slightly different results and open up new options.

Little Alchemy Tip: Two of a Kind Is Easy to Miss

Remember to regularly check the result if you combine two of a single item. One example occurs if you combine brick and brick, which produces a wall. Combine wall and wall to produce a house. Combine house and house to make a village. Village and village make a city. Look for similar chains elsewhere.

Tip: Vegetation Gets You Going

Combine rain (air and water) and earth to produce the plant option, which expands your choices significantly. You can combine plants creatively to produce ponds, swamps, and gardens, for starters.

Little Alchemy Tip: Experiment Freely

There are more than 500 available combinations, and no penalty for exploring whatever notion might occur to you. Some interesting combinations result from the mixing of obvious components found in the world around you. Some results are fairly abstract, such as time itself. If all else fails, just try random combinations until you get something new and exciting. Before you know it, you'll open all sorts of new pathways to success.

Little Alchemy Tip: Is This Just Fantasy?

Most of the in-game achievements relate to the total number of combinations you have found, but there is one exception. To unlock the "Is This Just Fantasy" achievement, combine a ring (which is made by mixing a diamond and metal) with a volcano (which is created when you mix lava with earth. Apparently, someone likes a bit of Middle-earth on the side.

Little Alchemy Cheats - List of All Combinations - Little Alchemy Guide - IGN (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.